Please select a Reason based on the following:

  • Exam - Annual - Please use this option if your pet is due for an annual exam & vaccinations.
  • Exam - Medical - Please use this option if your pet has had an annual exam, at Striegel, in the past 12 months, needs no vaccinations, but has something that needs to be seen. Examples include a new growth or mass, scratching, limping, scooting, etc. This option can also be used if your pet has been seen in the last 30-60 days and you would like to request a recheck.
  • Exam - Sick - Please use this option if your pet is sick but does not need to be seen today. If urgent, please call, we might be able to get you in earlier.

Note - Once you have selected an appointment date/time the next screen will have a place for you to enter notes about the reason for your visit.

If you have never been seen at Striegel Animal Hospital, please do NOT book online. Please call us at 618-457-4133.