Dr. Doggett has been the owner of Striegel Animal Hospital since October of 2014. Her journey to Carbondale has been a long one. She was brought up in a Navy family and knew that military service was in her future from a very young age. She joined the Navy after graduating from high school, and soon began her first career as an Aviation Electronics technician. After 9 years she knew it was time to pursue her other dream, Veterinary Medicine. After being honorably discharged from the Navy she moved to Knoxville Tennessee to help her family, and begin her long and rewarding journey into Veterinary Medicine. For Dr. Doggett, this was just another way she could live a life of service, while at the same time living her dream.
As of now, her local family consists of 3 dogs, 6 cats, 2 goats, and 16 chickens. She was able to accomplish her dream of having an underwater treadmill at Striegel Animal Hospital and being able to offer physical rehabilitation for her patients. She loves helping her patients, and the pets of the community, by providing the highest quality of care for pets with mobility issues such as those recovering from surgery (especially back surgery or orthopedic surgery), needing weight loss, and older pets that are suffering from arthritis. By giving back to the pets, she feels that she is in some small way, returning the unconditional love that they give to all of us.